I'm 23 years old and I am from the US of Irish ancestry. I have only lived in NYC for two weeks! Moved here for the job at BF+DA and love it so far.
What is the strongest part of your identity? Why?
The strongest part of my identity has brought me to my here and my now. Right now I am sitting in the grass of a park in Brooklyn, New York. My love for natural beauty and natural growth has guided my most important life decisions, including the decision to take my current position as a Sample Sewer at the BF+DA, a company that also believes in natural and sustainable ethics.
I identify as someone who will consistently direct my energy towards sustainable practices because I believe our psyche is nature. Our species is here to coexist with the trees, the grass, the insects, any and all species, etc.
How would you describe yourself to a complete stranger?
I would tell a stranger that I am a very laid back person who meshes well with natural energies.
What’s the best thing in your life right now?
The best thing in my life right now is my overall opportunity. I am in New York City, living with my boyfriend, and working at a sustainable fashion company. I couldn’t be happier.
What has been the most important event in your life so far?
The most important event of my life has been deciding to go to Stephens College and then graduating with a Fashion Design degree. This, combined with my desire for sustainability, has brought me to the present moment.
Logan added her voice to the global production narrative through a +My Voice workshop in May 2016 hosted by Study NY and The Brooklyn Fashion + Design Accelerator.