Oun Nith is a shy person. She likes to hang out with her friends during her days off and helps her parents around the house. She travels back and forth from the factory to her home everyday. Oun Nith used to like making clothes to play dress-up when she was a kid. She thought she wanted to be a seamstress but the reality of life has set in.

Q: How long have you lived in Phnom Penh?
A: ទើបមកធ្វើការបានពីរខែ។
It’s just been two months since I came to work here.
Q: Where did you live before?
A: ខ្ញុំរស់នៅខេត្តកណ្តាលបង។
I live in Kandal province.
Q: What is the strangest thing about living in the city?
A: ចម្លែកតើបង ព្រេាះអីខ្ញុំធ្លាប់នៅស្រែចឹង ពេលមកនៅភ្នំពេញ មានអារម្មណ៏ថាអ្នកនៅភ្នំពេញស្អាតៗ ចឹងហ្អា ឃើញគេមកធ្វើការនៅភ្នំពេញស្អាតៗ សៗ ចឹង ក៏សុំម៉ែមកដែរ ។
Well, it fascinates me because people living and working here are beautiful. They have white skin. I asked my mom to come [to work] here too [along with my sister].
Q: Did your mom want you to work in the city or did you have to convince her?
តើម៉ាក់របស់ប្អុនចង់ឲប្អូនមកធ្វើការ ឬក៏ប្អូនត្រូវបញ្ចុះបញ្ចូលគាត់?
A: អត់ទេបង គាត់ឲមកតើ ព្រេាះអីមានបងធ្វើការនៅហ្នឹងដែរ។
Well I didn’t have to convince her because my sister also works here.
Q: How has your life changed over the past two months since you moved here?
A: ចាបងផ្លាស់ប្តូរតើ សប្បាយចិត្តផង តែម៉ែឲទៅផ្ទះរាល់ថ្ងៃ ឡើងជិះឡានដាក់ខែគេរាល់ថ្ងៃ ។ ខ្ញុំហូបបាយជាមួយបង គាត់ដេកផ្ទះជួលហ្នឹង ហូបបាយហ្នឹង។
Yeah, it’s changed. I am happier, though I have to return back home everyday by a monthly-paid taxi car. I have meals with my sister at her rented house.
Q: So you're still living with your mom?
A: ចាបង។
Yes I am.
Q: What kind of things do you imagine would happen in your future?
A: អត់ដែលគិតផងបង។
I’ve never thought of that.
Q: Why not?
A: ព្រេាះអីខ្ញុំនៅចិញ្ចឹមគ្រួសារ អត់ទាន់គិតថាទៅមុខចង់បានអី ចង់ធ្វើអីទេ។
Because [right now] I just think about feeding my family. I don’t know what I want or will do in the future.
Q: When you were a child what did you enjoy doing?
A: ចូលចិត្តលេង មានតែលេងលោតកៅស៊ូ។ ចូលចិត្តធ្វើមានតែលេងកាត់ខោអាវជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិខ្ញុំ កាត់ ខោអាវឲក្មេងៗលេង។
What I liked to play [the most] would be jumping rope. Well what I liked to do would be sewing clothes, kids clothes for them [kids] to play with.
*Note: The interpreter at first asked “What did you like playing?” and then she later asked about “doing”
Q: Do you still like to do that ?
A: ឥលូវតាំងពីចូលធ្វើការមក លែងចង់កាត់ខោអាវ ព្រេាះអត់មានសមត្ថភាពក្នុងការបើកហាង។
Since I came to work here, I don’t feel like doing that anymore because I feel like I cannot make it big. I feel it would be too hard to open up a shop or something.
Q: What would you need to make that dream possible?
A: អត់ផងបង។
I’ve never thought about it.
*Note: The interpreter asked “Have you ever thought about what you need to make your dream come true?”
Q: If you have the opportunity to have it, would you want that now?
បើសិនជាប្អុនមានឱកាសក្នុងការបើកហាង តើប្អុនចង់ធ្វើឥលូវដែរទេ?
A: អត់ទាន់ទេបង ចាំខ្ញុំអាយុច្រើនជាងហ្នឹងតិចសិន ប្រហែលជា២៥ ២៦ ឆ្នាំ។
Maybe not now. Maybe when I’m getting a little bit older like [when I reach] 25 or 26 years of age.
Q: What kind of things do you like to do to enjoy yourself?
A: ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តដើរជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិខ្ញុំ នៅស្រែចឹងស្រួល ជិះកង់ដើរលេងជាមួយមិត្តភក្តិខ្ញុំ តែទាល់តែពេលទំនេរ។
I like hanging out with my friends. It’s good to live in a countryside because I can go ride a bicycle with my friends. That's only if I'm free though.
Q: Do you have lots of friends that you hang out with?
A: ប្រហែលជាប្រាំ ប្រាំមួយនាក់អីហ្នឹង។
Around 5-6 people.
Q: How has your life changed since you were a baby?
A: នៅល្អដដែល ។
It’s still good. It's the same.
Q: What’s the best thing in your life?
A: ខ្ញុំស្រលាញ់ឪពុកម្តាយខ្ញុំ បងប្អូនខ្ញុំ។
I love my parents and my siblings.
*Note: The interviewee did not understand the question, so the interpreter explained to her whether the best thing in life would be her family or something. Thus, the answer.
Q: What kind of things do you like to do with your family?
A: ពេលនៅផ្ទះចូលចិត្តធ្វើការងារផ្ទះ ចូលចិត្តដាំបាយធ្វើម្ហូបលាងចាន ។
Well, when I’m at home I like to do chores like cooking, washing dishes and stuff.
Q: What do you like about your parents? Or your family in general?
តើប្អូនចូលចិត្តឪពុកម្តាយរបស់ប្អូន ឬក៏គ្រួសាររបស់ប្អូនទាំងមូលត្រង់ណាដែរ?
A: ខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់ពួកគាត់និងក្រុមគ្រួសារទាំងមូល ដោយសារគាត់តំរូវចិត្តខ្ញុំហើយពួកគាត់ស្រឡាញ់ខ្ញូំ ខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់គាត់។
I love [my family] because they let me do what I like and they love me. I love them.
- Interpreter: so how many siblings do you have?
Interviewee: Four [including me].
Q: Going back to this idea of opening a shop, what kind of clothes would you like to make?
A: កាត់ខោអាវក្រណាត់ធម្មតា ចង់កាត់ខោអាវធម្មតា មិនមែនអាវប៉ាក់អាវអីទេ ខោអាវសាម្មញ្ញៗ។
I want to make normal clothes like casual clothes. Not like traditional clothes or something.
how does OUN NITH think about her clothes?
A: និយាយរួមទៅទំលាប់ចងចឹងហ្ម៉ងបង ហើយការស្លៀកពាក់គឺជារឿងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន រោងចក្រអត់មានបង្ខំអីៗទេ។
Well I normally wear something like this. It’s my personal taste. I don't dress like this because of a factory policy or anything.
Q: What do you like about it? Do you like the color, the pattern, etc?
តើអ្វីដែលប្អូនចូលចិត្តពីវា? មកពីប្អូនចូលចិត្តពីពណ៏របស់វា ឬក៏ ដោយសារឆ្នូតរបស់វា?
A: និយាយរួមខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តពណ៏សឹងទាំងអស់។ ខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់តែពណ៏ចំរុះ ហើយពណ៏លាតៗ ខោអាវ ។
I like almost all colors. I like [both] mixed and plain [colored] outfit.
Q: What do you think your outfit says about you?
A: ចូលចិត្តតើបង ទាល់តែខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់បានខ្ញុំទិញ។
I like them. I buy only the things I like.
Q: Maybe you feel that they are modern, or young people clothes?
នេះប្រហែលជាប្អូនគិតថាវាទាន់សម័យ ឬជាសំលៀកបំពាក់យុវវ័យ?
A: ដោយសារឥលូវសង្គមទាន់សម័យចឹង ឃើញគេទិញតាមរោងចក្រទៅ ខ្ញុំទិញមកពាក់ ហើយដោយសារខ្ញុំក្មេងចឹង ពាក់អីក៏បានដែរ។
Yes it’s modern because people now are modern. I just buy [in front of] the factory like the others. Since I’m young, I can wear anything.
translation by ជួន ចន័្ទ រាសី Choun Chan Reasey