Zhao is the mother of twins, and a wife. she sews for various factories and workshops in Shenzhen. During our interview she told me of her decision to marry for love rather than money, of her children and of her life long dream to open an accessories store so she can help women feel more confident and beautiful.

Z: 我的生活可以啊,我的生活就是很随意地,就是要很开心的,很幸福。
My life is good. I like to have a casual life. I want to be happy.
M: What makes you happy?
Z: 比如说,就是可以就是说每做一件事情…比如说,我现在老公对我很好嘛,比如说我需要什么,他都知道,就算我不说,他也会买给我,有什么事情会提前告诉我,跟我商量,什么事情啊,他都很尊重我。
For example, being able to do the things I like makes me happy. And my husband treats me well. He always knows what I want. [For example] he buys things for me even though I don’t ask for them. He tells me everything and discusses things with me. He respects me.
M: How long you have been married?
Z: 我结婚有八年了。
I have been married for eight years.
M: How did you meet each other?
Z: 我们啊,我们从小是一个村的,我们从小就一起读书,从小学读到初中,初中读完后,我们两个人都没读书了,就在外面打工。他在武汉,我呢也在武汉,就是两个人并没有联系,当他在武汉发展不好了,就来到了深圳,他再深圳呆了两年,然后在家里又一次同学聚会,我们又相逢了,然后就谈恋爱了。
My husband and I grew up in the same village. We studied together in the same school from primary school through to junior school. After graduating from junior school, we quit school to work. We both worked in cities. At first, we both worked in Wu Han but we didn’t keep in touch with each other. Then he had a difficult time in Wu Han, so he came here [to Shenzhen]. He worked here for two years. We met again at a class reunion and fell in love.
M: What a beautiful story!
Z: 是啊,两个人见面就觉得,家里人介绍的嘛,就看起来感觉很好,好像从开始好像就认识但不熟悉的感觉,但两个人交谈之后就觉得感觉很有默契。
Yeah. My family introduced him to me. When we met we felt good about each other. I felt like I knew him, but not too well. There was chemistry between us when we talked.
M: Was it important for you to get approval of the relationship from your family?
Z: 这个啊,怎么说呢,我们家条件比较好一点,因为我妈妈他们是做生意的,他妈妈他们就是有一点地,没什么经济来源,所以我爸妈不同意,他们希望是说自己的女儿嫁给一个好一点的人,以后的日子就没有那么苦了,如果有很多钱的话,就不用那么努力地去工作吧。
My family is better than my husband’s family because my mom has a small business in the village but my husband’s family doesn’t have a source of income. They only have some land. My parents hoped that I would marry someone better, so my life could be easier. [Theoretically] if my husband can earn lots of money I don’t have to work as hard.
M: Just to clarify, does your husband come from a farming family?
Z: 是的
M: Your husband, what does he do [now]?
Z: 做装修的
He is in the home renovation business.
M: How long have you been living in Shenzhen?
Z: 我在深圳住了八年了。
I have been in Shenzhen for eight years.
M: What was it like when you first arrived in Shenzhen?
Z: 我觉得这里的生活压力会很大,一开始不能接受,但是我老公又对我很好,没办法,我就坚持下来了,慢慢地就习惯这种生活了。
I thought living here was really stressful. At first, I couldn’t handle it. However, my husband took good care of me so I tried to get used to the life here. Then I gradually settled in.
M: Was it hard to make friends here?
I can meet people from different parts of China. It is easy to make friends here.
M: Can you tell me a little bit about your daily routine?
Z: 就是别人说的三点生活,比如说上班啦,下班然后回家啊,就是很普通的那种打工者的生活方式。
My life is what someone might call a “mundane life,” going to work and coming back home after work. It is just like other migrant workers here.
M: What do you do to enjoy yourself?
Z: 就是在家里煲一点汤,煮点好吃的,然后下午就会出去逛一下,喜欢逛商城啊,买点衣服啊,买点吃的啊。
I stay at home and make a nice meal, then go out shopping to the mall to buy some clothes and some food.
M: Would you go with your husband?
Mostly with my friends. I have lots of friends. My husband is busy. He doesn’t have time for me.
M: What do you usually shop for when you go out?
Z: 比如说我会给小孩子买点东西啊,像是衣服什么的,买了就寄回去啊,或是很随意,我看到什么,要是心里喜欢,又很实用很便宜,我就买回去。
I buy some things for my kids, like clothes, and mail them back [to them]. Or I just walk around and buy something I like [for myself]. I like things that are of good quality and have a reasonable price.
M: So you mentioned you have children. Where are your children?
My children are in my hometown because it is too expensive [for them] to go to school here, and we couldn’t find a school here that would take my kids. Because of that they can only live in the village.
M: Who are your children staying with?
Z: 跟他爷爷奶奶。
With their grandparents.
M: I would like to ask why you came to Shenzhen?
Because my husband talked me into coming to Shenzhen when we were dating, so I came here with him.
M: Were you happy when you made the decision to come here?
Z: 开始是说试一下,但慢慢开始喜欢这里了。
At first I just gave it a try but then I started to like it here.
M: What it is like to move to a city?
Z: 这里的生活压力也挺大,然后农村嘛,就没什么压力,但是钱也够花,当没什么积攒的钱,所以就不想在家里
Living here is quite stressful. Back in [the] village there isn’t much pressure. You earn enough for your life but you can’t save up, so I don’t want to be in the village.
M: Why do you save up?
Z: 因为小孩子要读书啊,可能是跟我个人有关系吧,就是我小时候没有钱,爸爸妈妈都很穷,我爸爸妈妈做生意赚了一点钱后,我们生活都过得非常好,所以说有钱的日子对我来说很重要,没钱的话,不能享受那些,就是说没钱的日子太难熬了。
My kids need to go to school. And it has something to do with my childhood. When I was little, my family was really poor. Then my parents earned some money through doing small business. Our lives got better. So for me, money is important for life. Without money, we can’t have a nice life. Life is too difficult without money.
M: How old are your kids?
Z: 我小孩已经七岁了。
My kids are seven years old.
M: How often do you see your kids?
Z: 每年过暑假的时候,会把孩子接来,过春节的时候,我们就会回去。
They will come here on summer holiday and we will go back [to visit them in our hometown] during Spring Festival.
M: Do you think it’s common to leave children in hometowns?
Z: 非常多,因为中国的话,就是这样子。
Yes, it is really common in China.
M: Is it very hard for you to leave your children behind?
Z: 难受,但是生活压力嘛,如果有钱的话就可以把孩子接过来,学习啊学位啊都可以啊,首先你要有房有车有一定的收入,才可以把孩子接过来,没有条件你接不过来。
It is hard for me, but life is hard here. We can only bring our kids here when we have enough money. With money, we can find [them] a good school. Only when we have a house, a car and stable incomes, can we bring our kids here. Without [those things], we can’t do it.
M: What was your dream when you were a kid?
Z: 我啊,我那个时候,梦想就是自己能够开一个首饰店,就是说买首饰的和艺术品,然后过着悠闲的生活。
When I was little, I dreamed about opening an accessories store and having a relaxed life.
M: Why an accessories store?
Z: 因为我觉得饰品看起来就像一种装饰品,戴上去,如果随便穿一件衣服,戴上项链的话,就很漂亮啊,可以装扮别人,也可以欣赏自己的作品,进货的时候,买的那种感觉,很享受的感觉。
I think accessories are to people like what decorations are for houses. You will look good in any clothing with the help of nice accessories. I could help make other women more beautiful. I would enjoy that feeling.
M: You can make others happy by selling them accessories, right?
Z: 是啊,我自己高兴,顾客也高兴。
Yes, I would be happy and my customers would be happy too.
M: When you were younger, for what other reason than to make people happy did you want to sell accessories?
Once, when I was little my dad went out on a trip and he brought me a necklace as gift when he came back. Everyone said I looked pretty with that necklace on. I thought that little thing can make me happy and it can also make others happy. So I have this dream of opening an accessories store one day.
M: So do you still have that dream today?
Z: 是,如果我攒够了钱,说不定明年或是这几年就可以实现了。
Yes, I still keep that dream. I might be able to make my dream come true next year, or in several years when I save enough money.
M: Would you like to open the store in Shenzhen or in another place?
I would like to open the store here, in Shenzhen.
M:Why do you like Shenzhen?
Z: 因为深圳这里看起来比较年轻化,我喜欢那种又不贵而且又看起来很漂亮,别人都是真的漂亮,没有假的漂亮。
Shenzhen is a young city. I like it here because things here look good but not expensive and everyone is young and beautiful.
M: Why do you think Shenzhen is very young?
Z: 老人都在家里。
All the old people stay in their hometown and the young people come here to work.
M: Do you think that you will move back to your hometown in the future?
Z: 可能在我很老的时候可以,年轻的时候还是应该在这里拼搏。
Maybe I will when I am very old. While I am young, I would like to work here.
M: If someone asked you what your identity is in the city, what would you say?
Z: 我就是一个普通人普通打工者,我们会再深圳买房,我们可能会买深圳外的,像是惠州,房价就几千那种。
I am just one of the migrant workers and ordinary people. I think we will buy a house in Shenzhen, not in the city, maybe in the remote area of the city near the neighboring city because house prices there are lower.
how does ZHAO think about her clothes?
M: Can you tell me how you chose these clothes [you have on today]?
Z: 因为我对这个衣服喜欢是因为出汗,而且是要工作起来要有很自然的那种,活动量很大
Because I sweat and move around a lot in my work I want [to wear] something comfortable.
M: How did you pick purple?
Z: 因为我觉得深颜色经脏一点,没那么容易脏,这个衣服穿起来,就像有些时候,好一点点,因为这里做衣服也很脏的。
I think a dark color is more dirt-proof. It’s better for me because [I know] there will be a lot of dirt around the factory.
M: Do you always wear dark colors or do you dress differently outside of work?
Z: 我上班的时候就穿,比如说我放假了,我就不一样了,我就喜欢穿白颜色,逛街啊,我就喜欢穿浅颜色的,
I wear dark colors when I am at work but [when] I have days off, I [normally] wear something different, like white clothes. When I go out shopping, I wear clothes with light colors.
M: Why do you like light colors, say white? What does white mean in Chinese culture?
你为什么会喜欢浅色衣服,像是白色? 在中国文化中,白色有什么含义?
Z: 白色衣服让皮肤看起来白一点,因为我们这里就说一白可以遮三丑,所以白一点就好一点,去逛街就看起来美一点。
White-colored clothes can make your skin look white. A saying in China goes that "A white complexion is powerful enough to hide seven faults." Having white skin makes me look better. I like wearing white when I go out shopping.
M: Is there anything else that you would like to tell me? Is there anything you would like to say that didn’t get covered in my questions?
Z: 我觉得生活很自然就可以了,自己的追求是一部分,但是只要每天去努力过就好了,什么东西都强迫自己要去达到也不是件好事,我觉得就好像是说,如果是工作的话,就努力工作,如果休息就很放松得去休息,就可以了。我孩子今年上二年级,我孩子双胞胎,有一个成绩好,一个成绩不行,很差的那个呢就是眼睛有点问题,出生的时候,有一根神经压到眼睛,他时弱视,所以说眼睛看不到他就不爱学习,但是他很喜欢弹钢琴,现在在学校上那种周末一个小时的课程。
I think life should be easy and casual. You need to have a goal but it is not a good thing to push yourself too hard. Just work hard when you work and relax when you are off work. I have twins. They will be in the second grade this year. One of them is doing great in school but the other is not because he has eye problems. When he was born, there was a problem with his optic nerve so he can't see clearly. Because of that, he doesn’t work hard in school, but he loves playing piano. He takes one-hour piano class every weekend in school.
translation by zhu lei